GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

Presentation: "Keynote: Microsoft, The Cloud and Open Source"

Time: Tuesday 09:00 - 09:50 / Location: Store Sal, Musikhuset

One day I woke up and Microsoft was different. Maybe it happened overnight, maybe it took many years. Suddenly the ASP.NET Web Stack is open source, hosted using Git on CodePlex and taking pull requests from the Mono team. I can run node.js and Java alongside ASP.NET in the Azure Cloud and deploy them easily. The Visual Studio editor supports HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript in a big way. ASP.NET ships not only the open source jQuery library out of the box but also KnockoutJS, jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile and Modernizr. The Azure SDKs are hosted on Github. What is the Microsoft Web Team doing? What’s the plan for this generation and the next generation of Cloud-enabled open source Web Frameworks from Microsoft? Join Scott Hanselman as he tries to put this into a larger context and explain the world’s most misunderstood Cloud.

Scott Hanselman, Principal Program Manager, Microsoft

Scott Hanselman

Biography: Scott Hanselman

My name is Scott Hanselman. I work out of my home office for Microsoft as a Principal Program Manager, aiming to spread good information about developing software, usually on the Microsoft stack. Before this I was the Chief Architect at Corillian Corporation, now a part of Checkfree, for 6+ years. I was also involved in a few Microsoft Developer things for many years like the MVP and RD programs and I'll speak about computers (and other passions) whenever someone will listen.

Before Corillian and Microsoft I worked as a Principal Consultant at a local Microsoft Solution Provider called STEP Technology, speaking, writing, consulting, and very much not getting rich during Web 1.0. Even earlier, I worked at a Car Parts Data Warehouse called Chrome Data, and before that I had a small company that specialized in internationalization and thunking. I've also been an Adjunct Professor at OIT, teaching C#. On the side, I created the first PalmPilot Diabetes Management System in 1998 and sold it to a healthcare company five years later. It's now in limbo, but I'm trying to get it released as Open Source.

I am an early adopter, it seems.  I ran Tweak Computer Support BBS, with some success, a very long time ago. I was a FidoNet node. I have nice teeth and love cheese amongst other things. I like Tools, and I've co-written some books. I'm diabetic. I like studying Amharic and Zulu/Ndebele and listening to African Music as well as other more diverse music. I know Black Hair and can both braid and cornrow. I have a podcast. I hack on hardware and waste time. I do Open Source. I have a large forefive-head. I am good at Excel and keep my resume mostly up to date for no reason. We speak Sign Language to my son and my wife speaks Ndebele. I have a great family and have had great teachers and a fantastic wedding with a great Cake Topper. I don't sleep too much. I write a lot. I'm trying to raise $50,000 for Diabetes research.